序号 |
名称 |
项目来源 |
负责人 |
执行 期限 |
资助 金额 |
进展 情况 |
3 |
域的K-群与算术代数几何(编号:10871106) |
国家自然科学基金 面上项目 |
徐克舰 |
2009.01- 2011.12 |
27.00万 |
结题 |
2 |
代数K-理论刚性定理的Motive上同调移植(编号:10371061) |
国家自然科学基金 面上项目 |
徐克舰 |
2004.01- 2006.12 |
16.00万 |
结题 |
1 |
非阿贝尔广义类域论 |
中国博士后基金 (第30批) |
徐克舰 |
2001.09-2003.06 |
1.00万 |
结题 |
1. Zhang Long and Xu Kejian, On the tame kernel of imaginary cyclic quartic fields with class number one, submitted.
2. Sun Chaochao and Xu Kejian (通讯作者),On tame kernels and second regulators of number fields,Journal of Number Theory, 171 (2017), 252-274 (SCI)
3. Xu Kejian and Sun Chaohao, Oncyclotomic elements and cyclotomic subgroups in K_2 ofafield, Acta Arithmetica,175, 1 (2016),1-55(SCI)
4. Zhang Long and Xu Kejian(通讯作者), The tame kernel of Q(Zeta_5) is trivial, Mathematics of Computation,2016,85: 1523-1538. (SCI)
5. Sun Chaochao and Xu Kejian (通讯作者), On p-rank of tame kernel of number fields, Journal of Number Theory, 2016,158:244-267. (SCI) .
6. Xu Kejian, Sun Chaochao and Chi Shanjie, On the cyclotomic elements in K_2 of a rational function field, Acta Arithmetica, 2014,164(3),209-219. (SCI)
7. Xu Kejian and XuZe, Remarks on Murre’s conjecture on Chow groups, J. K-Theory, 12(2013), 3-14. (SCI)
8. Browkin J and Xu Kejian(通讯作者), On exceptional pq-groups, SCIENCE CHINA, Mathematics, 2012, 55(10):2081-2093. (SCI)
9.Guo Xiaopei, Xu Kejian, Sun Tongsen and Fan Xiubin, Analysis of Minimum Linear Active Numbers of S-Boxes of a Class of Generalized Feistel Block Ciphers, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, Vol.25, No.5, 1014-1031, 2012. (SCI)
10. Browkin J, Brezezinski J and XuKejian(通讯作者). On exceptions in Brauer-Kuroda relations.Bull. Polish AcadSci math, 2011, 59:207-214.
11. Xu Kejian, Dai Zhaopeng and Dai Zongduo, The formulas for the coefficients of the sum and product of p-adic integers with applications to Witt vectors,ActaArithmetica, 150,4 (2011), 361-383 . (SCI)
12. 徐克舰,刘敏,函数域的K_2群的挠元,数学学报,Vol.53, No.3, 611—616,2010.
13. Xu Kejian and Liu Min, On the torsion in K_2 of a field, Science in China, Ser A: Mathematics, 2008, Vol. 51, No.7, 1187—1195. (SCI)
14. Xu Kejian and Wang Yongliang, On the elements of prime power order in K_2(Q),Journal of Number Theory, 128: 468-474 (2008). (SCI)
15.Xu Kejian, He Liang, Dai Zhaopeng and Fan Xiubin, The analysis of the number of fixed points in the key extending algorithm of RC4, Science in China, Ser A: Mathematics, 2008, Vol51, No.3, 407-415. (SCI)
16. Xu Kejian. On the elements of prime power order in K_2 of a number field, Acta Arithmetica, 127: 199-203 (2007). (SCI)
17. Xu Kejian and Wang Yongliang, Several Diophantine equations in some rings of integers of quadratic imaginary fields, Algebra Colloquium, 14:4(2007), 661-668. (SCI)
18. Xu Kejian. On Browkin's conjecture about the elements of order five in K_2(Q). Science in China, Ser A: Mathematics, 2007, Vol.50, No.1, 116-120. (SCI)
19. OuyangBaiyu, Xu Kejian and Tong Wenting, A note on the Morita-like invariant property of Grothendieck groups of rings, Algebraic Colloquium, 2004,11(2),207-300. (SCI)
20. Xu Kejian and Qin Hourong, A class of torsion elements in K_2 of a local field, Science in China, Ser A:Mathematics, 2003, Vol.46, No.1, 24-32. (SCI)
21. Xu Kejian and Qin Hourong, Some Diophantine equations over Z[/i] and Z[/-2]with applications to K_2 of a field, Communication in Algebra, 30:353-367 (2002). (SCI)
22.Xu Kejian, Neither G_9(Q) nor G_11(Q) is a subgroup of K_2(Q),Northeast Math.J,2002,18(1):59-62.
23. Xu Kejian and Qin Hourong, A conjecture on a class of elements of finite order in K_2(F_P), Science in China, Ser A: Mathematics, 2001, Vol.44, 484-490. (SCI)
24. 徐克舰,秦厚荣,K_2(Q)的某些有限阶元素,数学年刊,A辑,22(5):563-570 (2001).
25.徐克舰,Morita等价与Grothendieck群,Northeast Math.J,4(1):81-89,1988.
1. 徐克舰. 格罗登迪克的Motive与塞尚的母题.数学文化,第3卷第2期,12-32(2012)(亦见www.grothendieckcircle.org和www.jmilne.org)
2. 徐克舰. 从诺贝尔100谈起.数学文化,第6卷第2期,56-67(2015)
1.徐克舰,老街的画像. 数学文化,第7卷第4期,48-74(2016)
1.J. Milne, Motive-Grothendieck的梦想. (徐克舰译,付保华校对),数学译林,2009年第3期,193-206.
2. 罗伯特.朗兰兹,欧几里得的窗口与我们的反思——评蒙罗迪诺的《欧几里得的窗口》,徐克舰译,载于:《朗兰兹自选文集》,高等教育出版社(将出版)
➢ 2006年3月在“K-理论及其相关论题国际会议”(中国科学院,北京)上作大会特邀报告(1小时)
➢ 2011年3月在“代数K-理论及其应用国际会议”(南京大学,南京)上作大会特邀报告(1小时)
➢ 2012年10月在“第六届全国数论会议”(西北大学,西安)上作大会特邀报告(1小时)
➢ 2013年9月在“K-理论国际会议”(北京,中国科学院)上作大会特邀报告(1小时)
➢ 2013年7月8日在清华大学高等研究院作邀请报告,报告题目:“格罗滕迪克与塞尚——现代数学与现代艺术的深度撞击”(2小时)
➢ 2014年8月8日在ICM2014国际数学家大会卫星会议“K理论及其相关问题”(北京,中国科学院)上作大会特邀报告(45分钟)
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